TONG CARETAKER – GRADER for Potatoes, Carrots & Onions
The TONG grader range called – Caretaker – has been designed to receive, clean, grade and inspect all kinds of Potato, Carrots or Onions from 20 mm up to 100mm.
TONG Grader / dirt eliminator offers truly unmatched crop dirt eliminating performance and control.
The Scott Evolutions integrated in Downs grader works exceptionally well in all crop dirt eliminating conditions while being very gentle on your valuable potato, carrots or onions..
Thanks to a modular construction tested on thousands of machines over the last decades, the TONG grader can be totally personalized to be compatible with every agricultural and industrial structures.
TONG’s receiving hopper are fitted with the latest technologies in terms of grading with a wide range of modules: hopper, smooth rollers, coils, polyurethane coils, stars, Scotts Evolution dirt eliminating, clod separators (single or double), Optical sorter, websizer for a grading adjusted to every kind of soils and vegetables.
Range width start from 120Cm up to 240Cm with capacity up to 120T / Hour.